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Cannonpointer » 12 minutes ago » wrote: It's the cure.

You have a guy in his 20s or 30s thwhacked out on the CIA's and DEA's meth/fentanyl, **** up the nest we all must share.

You try them for vagrancy under existing law, and you sentence them to a county work farm where their minds and bodies can mend while they are put to useful service. 

Cleaned up and off drugs and shown by hard experience that they are worthy and have contributions to make, many will be rehabilitated in mind, body, and spirit. And even if they are not rehabilitated, we get lettuce. And clean streets.
Well ****, they need to do a better **** job of clearing the streets.

Because, Russia and China have it fingering out...and they execute.
There will always be homeless people.

R & C round'em up.  Bring'em in.  They get 2 choices.

1. work a menial job such as picking up trash, get paid, receive a tiny apartment.


2. go to jail....and work menial job in jail Image  

This is why when one views a YT vid of their cities.....they are sparkling clean. 
Its truly amazing.
Updated 3 minutes ago
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