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Deezer Shoove
Yesterday 9:25 pm
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Sumela » Today, 5:59 pm » wrote: Hmmm, okay.

The long hair freaks grew up and became professors, CEOs, decision makers in DC.
They came to embrace American style imperialism/empire/colonialism as a way
to spread their diseases on the world.

They have essentially made a Faustian Pact with the Capitalist Militarist Imperialists...
""You be the muscle....we will be the culture police"""

Thats why West NGOs litter the world along with 900 military bases.
The size of the bases are irrelevant.  They still exist as power projection.

And now it has come home to roost.
The FBI showing up at folk's homes to question
social media posts...the 1/6 arrests...etc etc ---- THE MUSCLE.

Teaching trannyism to kids in school.. etc etc ---- THE CULTURE POLICE.

The so-called free love, don't be uptight, anti-establishment college age crowd grew up to be a real bummer, man.
Like you said, Professor That's-Not-My-Bag teaches nothing but nonsense.
CEO's sell crap to those untaught morons.
Policeman I'm-The-Bully-Now gets to act out resentments and impatience.

Society has entrenched these fools so deeply we are accepting these really low standards.
it is quite easy to become selfish and watch out for yourself. **** the world...
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
Updated 2 minutes ago
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