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Deezer Shoove
Today 8:13 am
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Cannonpointer » Yesterday, 10:00 pm » wrote: The business our parasite government is about is the business of dissolving the USA. We are literally witnessing this country's dissolution. The purpose for the removal of our border is hardly mysterious. The purpose of running up the credit card beyond reason is hardly mysterious. The purpose of the assault on the family is hardly mysterious. 

I cannot pretend to understand "their" endgame - exactly what THEY SEE as their "victory conditions." I cannot see how destroying the United States gives "them" anything of value. But I CAN see and DO see that they are deliberately destroying the country. A nation without a border is a creature without skin. Neither functions for long.

My theory may have some validity yet. I am with you in that I can see no apparent value in destroying a country in this manner. It can't be simple grudge or jealousy. Such a disparate "team" getting together for a principle-of-the-thing is quite a stretch.
They're all greedy, selfish ****, after all.

I think it's more Serengeti... A big beast shows weakness while wandering around laden with meat.
Weakened, but not without some clout still, strong beasts let the big beast tire while searching for fuel.
Parasites, hyenas, etc, are doing the work to make for an easy kill soon.

There is no real plan. Just opportunists.
Background grudges or jealousy may be in the mix but those aren't the drivers.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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