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Deezer Shoove
Today 9:38 am
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nefarious101 » 30 minutes ago » wrote: As everyone knows, except sufferers of mind viruses like wokeism and Trump Derangement Syndrome, there are mind destroying viruses that cause a huge amount of damage in our society.   The Woke Mind Virus is the king daddy "Wuhan virus" of them all.

Developed by Progressives...inserted into America's education system and media.  A favorite of "Big Tech" social media and educators it targets children and young adults to promote their pedophile/ child sex agenda. 

If compliments the progressive "abort young baby" agenda.  To Progressives, any child who survives the abortion mills is fair game for progressive sexual desires which mostly involves child sex and other degenerate activities

Yes....all progressives are involved in the spread of these hideous mental diseases either through actual hands on involvement or their unwavering support of these practices...none can be allowed to try to declare their exemption and participation in the destruction of so many young minds

Did you type "Mush" on purpose?
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
Updated 2 minutes ago
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