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Cannonpointer » Yesterday, 10:00 pm » wrote: The business our parasite government is about is the business of dissolving the USA. We are literally witnessing this country's dissolution. The purpose for the removal of our border is hardly mysterious. The purpose of running up the credit card beyond reason is hardly mysterious. The purpose of the assault on the family is hardly mysterious. 

I cannot pretend to understand "their" endgame - exactly what THEY SEE as their "victory conditions." I cannot see how destroying the United States gives "them" anything of value. But I CAN see and DO see that they are deliberately destroying the country. A nation without a border is a creature without skin. Neither functions for long.

[[[JWO]]] social engineering has produced a couple generations of Whites and Asians who are less interested in having children.
The daily grind / aftermath  of [[[Women's Lib]]]...a generation of  "single childs" raised at Kinder Kare have now turned into our most selfish adults.
A [[[JWO]]] rigged Family Law system that is engineered to discourage marriage and to encourage men to flee from their obligations. 
The [[[JWO]]] is using their MSM to promote race mixing and all forms of gayness.
The [[[JWO]]] want these society debasing trend to continue to grow.
The [[[JWO]]] are replacing Whites and Asians with Blacks and Browns which will increase the social burdens of the Whites and Asians making them even less capable of raising or desiring children.
The [[[JWO]]] are doing this in Europe and North America.
The end game is to create a 80 IQ "milk chocolate" society that is more government dependent and going to be more loyal to just a single party.
They will be much easier led by their NOSTRIL RINGS than independently minded and intelligent Whites and Asians. 
Russia is doing a better job of resisting the outside influences of [[[JWO]]] social engineering than the "Free World" ..but I fear that future generations of Russians will become just as soft and easily manipulated into believing that their society will become stronger if they take in 50 million 70 IQ ****** from Sub Saharan Africa. ..  :rofl:  
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