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But Rothschild and a handful of other Jewish banking families have owned the central banks of the European nations, and others including the US FED, for well over 100 years. If little Canada has paid more than $1 trillion in interest in a relatively short time, the governments of countries like England, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, South Africa, have paid much more during the past century. As one example, Italy’s debt is several times that of Canada, and many other countries are in the same position.[23]
 I have no accurate record of total interest the US has paid to the FED, but its current debt is more than $13 trillion – an amount which will never be paid off.
And yet…even though the national debt is CLEARLY irredeemable at this point, conjobs INSIST we must live like 3rd worlders (sell off public assets, massively cut spending, etc.) to pay  a small cadre of (((TINY HAT FORESKIN CHOMPERS))) their “dues” for LOOTING this wealth from the public purse 

No wonder you conjobZ are a bunch of **** IDIOTS!
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