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LowIQTrash » 25 Dec 2022, 12:56 am » wrote: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Please enjoy your Xmas/holidays.

Anyway, I ran across this interesting article a week or so ago.

I will warn you it is very long, as is typical of articles as the majority of the readership is 120+ and a significant minority are 135+ (some are likely in the 145-155 camp) so no (((Bennie Shapiro)))/Kyle Kulinski/Tomi Lahren/(((Rubin Report)))/Trevor Noah/[insert your favorite YT commentator] levels of midwittery.

Link posted below for those of you willing to bravely scour the entire article. I will be posting snippets that I deem critical.

The Richest Man in the World, by Larry Romanoff - The Unz Review
Nestle is a publicly traded company...the largest shareholder is BlackRock, with less than 2%..

Retail investors hold more than 60%...

How can it be "controlled" by jews?
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