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Yesterday 7:59 am
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Majik » Today, 6:47 am » wrote: Is Germany in recession?
Following a recession in 2023, economic activity in Germany is expected to stagnate in 2024. Domestic demand is set to pick up slowly in 2024 and 2025, as real wage growth resumes. However, investment is projected to remain well below pre-pandemic levels, constrained by continued high financing costs.May 15, 2024 ... ng%20costs.
Bro - when Lil Roggy is raging angry like this, he goes into BV, BidenCrime mode.
He is just as soulless as they are.  Empire Boi Lil Roggie.

He is baiting you.  Best just make fun of him.  Poke fun at him.
The more truth you present - the more he goes full into full BV rage....

Like Trumpy and His Trannyism :clap:  

Updated 3 minutes ago
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