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Sumela » 39 minutes ago » wrote: We have lost many Empire House *** recently.  They served faithfully
as errand Bois for the War Empire & Trannyism. 
They gave their all....their throats...their buttholes...their souls
in service of dead brown children by the millions.  
They spent their lives fantasizing about one thing:  sucking Limp LIMPBaugh. Image  

Their Motto:  Murder Brown Kids for Oil.

In return, they received AIDS and a Coffin. Image  


Red Headed ***
Old Man Skans
Mack The Coffin Shopper
Fraudy, we can only assume obituaries and coroner reports are on their way?  :loco:   :loco:   :loco:  
Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA
Updated 3 minutes ago
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