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"No explanation is given for that 20-hour wait period. There are no on-the-record quotes or even on-background references. It’s just speculation, culminating in the none-too-subtle suggestion that Piedmont dithered because of Dobbs and state law. For the record, speculation is not the same thing as reporting.

Speaking of doctors and going on the record, here’s an on-the-record quote from obstetrician-gynecologist, practicing obstetric hospitalist, and chief executive officer of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists Christina Francis, published this week by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “[T]he state’s abortion law did not stand in the way of saving her life…It explicitly allows physicians to intervene in cases of medical emergencies or if the fetus has no detectable heartbeat (both of which applied to Thurman’s case), and any assertion that she experienced a delay in care as a secondary effect of the law is mere speculation. One thing is clear: Thurman died from a legal chemical abortion, which abortion advocates have long argued is ‘safer than Tylenol.’ Thurman’s story proves otherwise — as do countless other women’s.”

If anything, Thurman’s story is about medical malpractice, not any state or federal abortion legislation. But if you’re in ProPublica’s position, why tell a local story when you can exploit a hot-button political issue? Those donation checks aren’t going to write themselves."

ProPublica's abortion disinformation goes national (
Updated 3 minutes ago
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