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Deezer Shoove
Yesterday 12:48 pm
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Cannonpointer » Today, 8:17 am » wrote: My own theory is that they arrived here when a belt of water circled the earth, filtering out much of the sun's harmful rays while letting the beneficial ones through. Everything lived longer - and many things got much. much bigger. Our human progenitors were small and big-eyed, and not at the top of the food chain. 

As lifespans were ten times longer, spiders got big enough to drag kids off. Tigers lived so long they got their saber teeth in. What we call "aliens" arrived and were stranded. They manipulated our DNA because they needed agile servants. We were their dogs.

This went of for a bit - maybe 3 million seconds or something, - abd then they got pissed at each other and went to war. The **** up the atmosphere, and the waters of the heavens burst forth and fell for 40 days and 40 nights. At the end, there were a new heavens and a new earth, new stars in the sky, rainbows - and the dim light of the was now bright and life-sapping, and everything began to wither and age much sooner. The DNA-borne revulsion against insects has never left us, even though they can no longer abscond with our young. 

The real estate was utterly **** up, and so the "gods" went underground, to live their years, leaving us on the crust of the world they had destroyed. And they still enslave us, using their mutants posing as human to rule over us and deliver resources.

Yeah, but we are not Alien's Best Friend...

Maybe we're the trained moneys and they're the organ grinders of the universe.
This planet could be the rest room at a Sinclair station near Glenrio, New Mexico.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
Updated 4 minutes ago
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