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maineman » 52 minutes ago » wrote: Maybe cars from Mexico that are made by Mexicans who stole Detroit jobs... but appliances still are made predominantly in China... and the consumer pays the tab for tariffs on them.  You may force China to rework its assembly process to include other nations, but the inevitable cost increases on products in a tariff scenario are ALWAYS borne by the consumer and the importing business, not the exporter upon whom the tariffs are levied.  The GOP used to stand for free trade.  WTF happened?  Oh, never mind. I know the answer, they turned in their spines when they were kidnapped by the clownImage  

From your post:  "According to the Mexican Association of Industrial Parks, foreign manufacturing, much of Chinese ownership, has booked all sights [sic] around Monterey, close to the U.S. border, out to 2027."

They're making money no matter where their facilities are.
Yeah, China is STILL making money now, thanks in part to the way Biden sucks their dick, but the fact is that in 2017 (Trump's first year in office) our trade deficit with China stood at $505 million dollars, and in 2020, Trump's last year in office, that trade deficit with China was reduced to $432 million (not a small accomplishment), while the tax revenue from those tariffs reached $370 BILLION last year!.
Doesn't that tell you how much China LOST due to Trump's tariffs, genius? 
And if they weren't so hugely successful, then why didn't Biden discontinue all of them just as he overturned virtually every one of Trump's other policies?
Updated 4 minutes ago
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