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jerra b
Today 2:21 pm
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Zeets2 » 21 minutes ago » wrote: So according to you, the Hamas rape, torture, and murder that they inflicted on Jewish civilians was perfectly justifiable, huh?
OK Nazi, I got it, now that you've admitted it!
--------------------------------------------Unlike for most countries, U.S. weapons, ammunition and other aid are provided to Israeli security forces in bulk rather than to specific units. The secretary of state is therefore required to regularly inform Israel of any security force unit ineligible for U.S. aid because of having committed a gross violation of human rights, and the Israeli government is obligated to comply with that prohibition.Since the Leahy law was passed, not a single Israeli security force unit has been deemed ineligible for U.S. aid, despite repeated, credible reports of gross violations of human rights and a pattern of failing to appropriately punish Israeli soldiers and police who violate the rights of Palestinians.Recently, Secretary of State Antony Blinken determined that four Israeli security force units had committed gross violations of the human rights of Palestinians in the West Bank, months or years ago, but that Israel had taken effective steps to bring those responsible to justice, so the Leahy law was not applied. Yet two of those cases involved the fatal shooting of unarmed Palestinians for which the Israeli soldiers served little or no time in prison.
Updated 4 minutes ago
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