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jerrab » 9 minutes ago » wrote: if you lived in nazi germany your favorite phrase would be heil hitler-- your kind always loves bullies---

----------------------------------The State of Palestine is a state party to both the Rome Statute and the Apartheid Convention. In February 2021, the ICC ruled that it has jurisdiction over serious international crimes committed in the entirety of the OPT, including East Jerusalem, which would include the crimes against humanity of apartheid or persecution committed in that territory. In March 2021, the ICC Office of Prosecutor announced the opening of a formal investigation into the situation in Palestine.The term apartheid has increasingly been used in relation to Israel and the OPT, but usually in a descriptive or comparative, non-legal sense, and often to warn that the situation is heading in the wrong direction. In particular, Israeli, Palestinian, US, and European officials, prominent media commentators, and others have asserted that, if Israel’s policies and practices towards Palestinians continued along the same trajectory, the situation, at least in the West Bank, would become tantamount to apartheid.[1] Some have claimed that the current reality amounts to apartheid.[2] Few, however, have conducted a detailed legal analysis based on the international crimes of apartheid or persecution.[3]In this report, Human Rights Watch examines the extent to which that threshold has already been crossed in certain of the areas where Israeli authorities exercise control.
Your addled brain is completely warped!
Apparently, you fail to recognize yourself in the fact that you wish for the death of ever Jew, which is precisely what Hitler wanted and attempted to carry out, just like Hamas has been doing!
So how is it that you can possibly deny how YOU and not me are following in Hitler's footsteps?  Hitler would have had you marching with pride with the Gestapo as you murdered 6 million Jews, AND YOU'RE PROUD OF IT!!!

Some psychiatrist may be able to help you get your empty head screwed on tighter!
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