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Yesterday 2:59 pm
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maineman » 49 minutes ago » wrote: So Biden fellating the Chinese somehow got them to buy manufacturing facilities in Mexico?  Can you explain that? Image  

The fact remains:  new tariffs on Chinese goods will ultimately be paid for by the American consumer and not China

and the fact also remains that the trade deficit with China in 2023 is lower than any of the Trump years and 2024 is on track to be $10B less than that. Image
Of course, that's the continued result of the Trump tariffs that Biden chose to leave in place!
And it's great to hear you admit how well they worked!
How is it that you find that so impossible to comprehend, fool?

Do you think maybe China had no other alternative but to fund the building of facilities in other countries since they couldn't compete when Trump's tariffs wrecked their sales?  You think that was their first choice, idiot?
If China WASN'T losing billions because of the Trump tariffs, WHY WOULD THEY NEED TO DO THAT?

You claim to have been a student of economics, yet you're easily the dumbest cretin here on the subject!
That's how warped and ignorant your hatred for Trump has made you!
Updated 1 minute ago
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