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jerra b
Today 3:15 pm
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Zeets2 » 28 minutes ago » wrote: Your addled brain is completely warped!
Apparently, you fail to recognize yourself in the fact that you wish for the death of ever Jew, which is precisely what Hitler wanted and attempted to carry out, just like Hamas has been doing!
So how is it that you can possibly deny how YOU and not me are following in Hitler's footsteps?  Hitler would have had you marching with pride with the Gestapo as you murdered 6 million Jews, AND YOU'RE PROUD OF IT!!!

Some psychiatrist may be able to help you get your empty head screwed on tighter!

have you and your whole city given your house keys and your cars and the money in your bank to jews? if not then you are anti semitic and your house should be bull dozed down and your family should be forced to flee with no money and nothing but the clothes on their backs.
Updated 1 minute ago
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