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jerra b
Today 5:21 pm
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Zeets2 » Today, 2:44 pm » wrote: So if that's what the US wants, it proves your accusations about Israel are NOT what OUR intelligence has proven to us, and believe it is Hamas who commits crimes with impunity while refusing to abide by the laws of war, WHICH IS A PROVEN FACT!

Too bad that revelation will be insufficient to get you to shut the **** up about it!


In the case of a fifth unit, in January 2022, soldiers of the Israeli Netzah Yehuda Battalion falsely detained a 78-year-old Palestinian American citizen, Omar Assad, bound his hands behind his back, gagged him and left him facedown on the ground. He died from a stress-induced heart attack. Israel cleared the soldiers of any wrongdoing, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised Netzah Yehuda and pledged to thwart any U.S. attempt to implement the Leahy law. Although Blinken determined that Netzah Yehuda had committed a gross violation, the Leahy law has not been applied.
Updated 1 minute ago
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