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Sumela » 40 minutes ago » wrote: I agree....trumpyist is funny as **** - sucking LGBTQ sewn on cock Image
i can almost HEAR his forced, hollow laughter between his squeeges about Germany not being in a recession after energy costs TRIPLED in the retardedly energy-dependent nation. Of course, professor Google disagrees with lil roggy, but he wants to niggle against the clear language of the good professor which begins with the word, "Yes" to the question, "Is Germany in a recession now?" He wants to breeze past the yes and niggle about language that is less emphatic and clear than, "Yes."

I have been to Germany. They have pretty much shut down their agriculture to plant solar farms in the nation, which is under overcast skies for the majority of the year.

To give you a reference point, Germany - currently in its PERMANENTLY overcast season (which lasts about 8 months) - had the 13th sunniest year since 1951 in 2024 with a WHOPPING 707.6 hours of sunshine. There are 8000 MORE hours than that each year of demand for electricity. Germany is famous for its lack of natural resources (save for its people, who are industrious and highly intelligent, contrary to current appearances). As a nation with very limited natural resources, Germany depends of manufacturing - which is extremely energy intensive. When costs triple for that energy, the economy has a ripple in the force, to say the least. 

So here is Germany, with much of it's agriculture being shut down to produce the least efficient energy conceivable in one of the planet's most overcast nation states, having the pipeline that delivers cheap fuel blown up by its captor/occupier/"ally," which shoved it into a severe depression that is lyingly called a recession - and then we have this niggling, maroon insisting that everything is peachy - no recession here, folks - nothing to see.  :rolleyes:   :drool:  

Yeah - he's in a state. The laughter he assures us of is shrill and angry and forced. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

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Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

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If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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