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Yesterday 8:30 pm
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A common unit of account - as in The Unit, whose contours were first revealed exclusively by Sputnik.

A platform for multilateral settlements and payments in BRICS digital currencies, connecting the financial markets of BRICS members: that’s BRICS Bridge, which bears similarities with the Bank of International Settlements-linked MBridge,  already in effect. That will complement intrabank systems already in action, as in Russia’s SPFS and Iran’s CPAM settling financial transactions – and 60% of their trade - in their own currencies.

A blockchain-based payment system that entirely bypasses the US dollar: BRICS Pay. Arguably 159 participants may be ready to adopt this sanction-evading, similar-to-SWIFT mechanism right away.

A settlement depository (Clear).

An insurance system.

And crucially a BRICS rating agency, independent from the Western giants.

Pepe Escobar: Will a BRICS Bretton Woods Take Place in Kazan? (
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