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Yesterday 10:53 pm
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Cannonpointer » Today, 7:08 pm » wrote: If it's yes, it's yes duh.

And if it's stagnant after a year of recession, then it's still in recession - hence the YES. Duh. 

Go look at YOUR OWN POST, ya silly girl. The post you responded to said YES. Still in recession.

Started in recession, remained stagnant = recession, you silly girl. Hence the "Yes."
  1. The act of receding or withdrawing, as from a place, a claim, or a demand. 
  2. A period during which economic activity, as measured by gross domestic product, declines for at least two quarters in a row in a specific country. If the decline is severe and long, such as greater than ten percent, it may be termed a depression. 
  3. A procession in which people leave a ceremony, such as at a religious service.
fruity, a recession is DECLINING ECONOMIC ACTIVITY...
if it's stagnant, IT'S NOT DECLINING...IOW, it's leveled off...
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