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maineman » Yesterday, 3:34 pm » wrote: The pain to the consumer had already been realized. Biden did not INCREASE tariffs because he knew that increasing tariffs on China would only serve to drive up costs on the American consumer.  We were already in the midst of a global recession caused by COVID-19 and exacerbated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  He would not do something that stupid when we needed to do everything possible to bring DOWN costs that the global recession had driven up.  Trump will, of course, punish China and reward his robber baron industrialist buddies here at home while sticking it to the average consumer.  It is counter-intuitive when the trendline shows a diminishing trade deficit, to enflame the situation with more punitive tariffs that punish the consumer more than China.

And you ask why China builds manufacturing facilities in Mexico rather than in China?  I'm just guessing that maybe it was for the same reason that Ford, GM , Audi, Hyundai, Kia, BMW, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, and Volkswagen did.   Image

Tell me again, which matchbook cover "college" you got YOUR "economic" training?  Trump U?  

Trust me, you're the last person on here, with the exception of maybe @FJB , to be calling ANYONE a dumb cretin.   Image
The university I attended is none of your business, dickhead.  
I don't give out that kind of information here.

And yes, you're one of the dumbest cretins here, proven by the facts that you originally intended to vote for a completely demented and corrupt Biden for president, and when he was thrown overboard by the DNC, you shrugged your shoulders over having your primary vote ignored and you immediately did as you were told like a good little sheep and switched your intention to vote for Kamala, despite the fact that she refuses to answer questions, has changed her opinion on many important policies, was instrumental in failing to close the border and then lie to the country, telling them the border was secure.  She lied about Biden being completely competent to the country, lied about her plan to outlaw fracking, her intention to seize guns, and refuses to close the border unless she gets a new, unnecessary law from Congress.  She plans to raise trillions in new taxes, pack the Supreme Court with more liberal justices, abolish the Senate filibuster, and tax unrealized capital gains. give free healthcare to 20 million illegals, including free transgender surgeries even for convicted felons in prison, eliminate private health insurance,
abolish ICE, supports the idiotic 92 trillion dollar "green new deal" that she co-sponsored, defund the police, pay reparations to blacks, and is despised by so much of her own staff that 92% of them have quit her campaign!

So trust me, cretin!  YOU are easily one of the dumbest people here!   :die:  
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