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Today 1:29 pm
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maineman » Today, 12:06 pm » wrote: I wonder about the huge costs Ford and GM were inflicted with when they moved lots of their manufacturing to Mexico Image   Image   Image   Image   Image  

Like I said, for a moron who doesn't even know how a tariff works, you sure spew a lot of word salad about the subject!
You're the idiot who doesn't think there have been ANY costs that China has been hit with for Trump's tariffs, when their sales to the US has already dropped by tens of billions in lost sales and they're now forced to build new facilities in other countries which will STILL have to deal with Trump's tariffs, you ignorant slob!  That's the kind of ignorance your left with after slavishly swallowing the lies they tell you on CNN!

Why don't you go tell China that their loss of BILLIONS isn't related to Trump's tariffs and have THEM laugh in your stupid face instead of just me?

Ford and GM STILL have plenty of plants in the US, and can retool any of them at any time for the cars they need.  What's of far greater concern to every US auto manufacturer are the ridiculous mandates for them to build electric cars THAT NOBODY IS BUYING, despite the huge incentives that Biden the idiot and Kamaltoe the whore force us taxpayer to pay!  Your idiots have signed an executive order forcing half of all new cars built to be electric in just over 5 years, DESPITE THE FACT THAT OUR ELECTRIC GRID CAN'T HANDLE IT!

Those of us with a brain just chuckle and shake our heads at idiots like you who actually believe in idiots like your VP whore!  :die:  
Updated 2 minutes ago
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