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Yesterday 1:53 pm
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maineman » 9 minutes ago » wrote: ^^^^ sez the guy who believes that the purveyor of Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, and Trump U, who went bankrupt running a **** casino, is a business genius! Image  

I have never said that China did not have any costs.  I simply said that they didn't pay the tariffs like you have repeatedly claimed; the American consumer did.
So a pauper like you thinks you can criticize a multi-billionaire with any validity?
Where do you get that **** ego?!??!

Now you admit that Trump's tariffs are costing China BILLIONS in lost sales?
Tell me how it's going to cost Americans anything if they change their buying habits and buy from a cheaper source that DOESN'T have the Trump tariff attached to it?
Do you really think most American consumers are as dumb as you to not alter their spending choices when they see the products from China are more expensive?
Use your head, you dunce!
Updated 2 minutes ago
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