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“He thinks of them only because they are the casualties of his reckless decisions and policies,” Gold Star dad Steve Nikoui told The Post in a text message.

“When he says he thinks of them everyday, what he really means is he despises them because they, in his eyes, have tarnished his legacy.”

“That withdrawal, as well as the loss of lives, are the main reason why he is a one-term president,” added Nikoui, whose son Kareem, a Marine Corps lance corporal, was among those murdered by an ISIS-K suicide bomber at the Abbey Gate of Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport.

“He has no idea what he’s saying at this point. That speech was written by one of his staff and they are trying to cover Joe Biden for his involvement in the critical debacle of the withdrawal from Afghanistan,” Gold Star father Darin Hoover also told The Post in a text message.
Updated 2 minutes ago
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