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Two If By Tea
Today 5:27 pm
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228 posts
TwoIfByTea » 8 minutes ago » wrote: Hate 2 leave this out back when I used smoke "Crack" used go up Northside Milwaukee bust out a $50 piece

Theyd "Strip Down"  for me just get another hit
Hate to say this at that time 30 years ago Id rather have the "CRACK" on a Ca$h & carry $ale get the ya know what outta there

At home I did afew "Hits" was lights and sirens ..

Thought the "Cops" were coming in on me..

I put the Crack & The Stem in an empty beer can threw it in trash. .

Those sirens and flashing light were and "Ambulance" acrosdls the Street not the Cops
Updated 2 minutes ago
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