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Today 7:18 pm
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jerrab » Today, 3:17 pm » wrote: the ones that should worry about lip service are christians because Christ talked about you.

matthew 15
 “‘These people honor me with their lips,
    but their hearts are far from me.
9 They worship me in vain;-------------------

anyone who laughs at children getting killed will not expect Christ to welcome them to heaven.
That verse is an indictment on US ''christianity".
It has been coopted by Capitalism, AIPAC, and the MIC.

About 15 years ago I attended a Southern Baptist service on the Sunday before Memorial Day.
It was a family thing.  Holy **** - these people are LOONS.

The entire service was worship of war, murka, israel, and world domination.
They twisted bible verses to this skew. The message was clear....Jesus
loves the West and hates the East.  They literally showed a miliary video
of planes dropping bombs.

Now I know why contards are such psycho bloodlusty retards.

Updated 4 minutes ago
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