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Cannonpointer » 12 minutes ago » wrote: It seemed like an honest question. I mean, prison guard isn't exactly a high paying profession, is it?

I mean, I wouldn't have asked that question. I would just assume that you lived in a ****, dead end town where jobs were scarce and someone used their juice to bring a prison in for the jobs. But you have to admit, quite a number of prison guards are motivated by *** dick - you'll grant me THAT much, at least, won't ya?
It's not an honest question at all. He's a pos. I never heard of any male officer getting involved with a convict although many females did. I went to work there because after I retired from a lifetime of working, after a few years I got cabin fever. So I applied and they hired me. It's was an easy job but you have to watch for harassment from everywhere. Pay is good and the "rules" are very very loosely enforced. Hell, I reported this one 18 year old female officer after I caught her in an inmates bunk. They did nothing and eventually she was fired after getting caught screwing him. Later he got out and showed us all what a piece of **** he was by continually harassing this young girl at her home, by peeling out in her driveway at all hours and driving through her yard. I'm sure there was more. They are mostly all pos. BTW, having intimate relations in a secure environment like a prison is a felony.

They paid 18.00 an hour to start. They gave raises.
He's dead Jim!
Updated 4 minutes ago
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