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Yesterday 7:45 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
9,230 posts
Cannonpointer » 21 minutes ago » wrote: You've been shown the data. You didn't care. 

I showed you where a mere TWO female impersonators in womanface affected hundreds of girls and women, from records set to going to state matches to getting scholarships. 

Your wheezy insistence that violating only a FEW women's rights - which is a lie, but even GRANTING the dishonest premise - doesn't constitute a women's rights issue is a slippery slope - just the way you like it. Slippery. 

Your wife and daughter HAD a right to a dick free shower at their gym. Now they don't.

Explain to us how they didn't lose any rights.

neither my wife nor my daughter nor my daughters-in-law have ever had their rights lost.

I'll be sure to let you know when they ever do.
Updated 5 minutes ago
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