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Today 6:39 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
9,232 posts
Cannonpointer » Yesterday, 8:05 pm » wrote: Then they LOST THAT RIGHT, you stupid old woman.

That would be precisely the right they lost, in your dishonest hypothetical - the right to shower without one-legged pterodactyls.

But that is not what they lost in reality - AS YOU WELL KNOW and have just implicitly admitted.

What they lost was the right to dick free showers and sporting events (and prison cells and batter-shelters, etc).

So you are completely changing your position, then - without exhibiting the dignity to say so.

Your NEW position is that they do not CARE about the rights they have lost. You are no longer lying that they lost no rights.

Does that sum it up? Or do you wish to engage in further dishonesty?
I really would prefer to never again have to discuss the infinitely minute possibility that any woman in my life would ever face such a situation and, instead, talk about issues that actually matter, but I fear you won't allow that to happen so I'll try to  just commit to ignoring your pathetic entreaties to do so.
Updated 2 minutes ago
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