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Today 9:08 pm
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Cannonpointer » Today, 2:37 pm » wrote: No.

It's the WEST'S bay of pigs.

You must be confused and believe that the bay of pigs was a successful operation. You need to google that - it failed. 

Like the west's proxy war against Russia.

Russia's economy has grown since the outbreak of hostilities, while most western economies have shrunk. And Russia has shown BOTH that it has formidable hardware that in some cases is superior to American hardware, AND that it has command over production that the west does not. That command over production gives Russia strategic flexibility - the west is constrained by incapacity to to produce what it needs. The west has the supply side dictating what will be produced. 

I know it failed, my reference, I was implying Ukraine to Vlad is like Cuba to Kennedy... :roll:  
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