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98% Macho Man
98% Macho Man
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ROG62 » Today, 9:08 pm » wrote: I know it failed, my reference, I was implying Ukraine to Vlad is like Cuba to Kennedy... Image
Exactly what makes the comparison stupid. For one thing, Kennedy never approved Bay of Pigs - the intel agencies made an end run, and he was furious. 

For another thing, the Bay of Pigs was a failure. If you call seizing a rich and storied peninsula with a world-class deep water port complete with infrastructure, and then rescuing your fellow Russians from LITERAL NAZIS "failure," I would sure like to know your definition of success. 

Vlad's economy has grown in spite of the sanctions, the purchasing power of the average Russian has grown, the global prestige of the nation has grown, developing nations in Africa and South America are eager to do business with Russia - and while all of this is occurring, the globe is dropping the dollar and pretty much over the zionist powers in USA and Britain. 

No one but you and a few other reagantards respects a nation that castrates its own military. What the world respects is a nation that is deeply hesitant to go to war, eager to go to the peace table, and competent to meet what threats come its way. That's Russia. Russia piled up for MONTHS before giving up on peace talks when Zelenskyy walked away at the order of Boris Johnson. Russia DID NOT want to go to war. But now it's on, and Russia is winning BIGLY. 

Because westtards are socialized to measure wins by territory, most antique cold warriors view Russia's slow creep across Ukraine as a failure - or certainly other than a victory. But that is because they do not have any concept of Vlad's strategy. Vlad DOES intend to take territory - and plenty of it. You don't make his country go to war and not pay a premium in blood, treasure, and territory. But territory is secondary.

If Vlad were the same caliber as genocidal Netanyahu, he'd have destroyed Ukraine long before. Instead, he avoids civilian casualties while grinding the Ukrainian military down to a fine powder through a war of attrition. He chooses attrition because he has ten times Ukraine's population and better generals and better toys; It's a sure winner. And he chooses it because with no military left, Ukraine will be a failed state under Russia's shadow and dependent on Russian assistance to rebuild. Google "The Marshall Plan."

Whatever sewage pit is left of Ukraine at the end of this is not going to be in NATO's orbit. That ship sailed. 
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