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Cannonpointer » Yesterday, 11:24 pm » wrote: Just for the record, are you TRULY so stupid that you think "laying the groundwork" is a policy success, and not marketing jingo?


You were just bragging about the money he spent, and now you're claiming he cut taxes. Is he Ronald Reagan? How much has he run up Minnesota's debt?

****. Who wants to raise a family in a state where strangers can steal your child at gunpoint if you object to the child "transitioning" under the gaslighting of the state?

The guy started a gay club in the school where he worked, and then, just to give you an idea of how disconnected from THE PEOPLE he is, he put that crime ON HIS RESUME.
You do know it's a sok, right?

Don't take it seriously, he is just trolling in the hope of triggering you guys..

As for Tim Walz, that's the result of a gut decision..

Updated 1 minute ago
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