Today 12:13 pm
4,870 posts
JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 10:54 am » wrote: Nope 
we got a doxer by the name of @BooRadley  that outed  a certain member here. oh the user was @Z09  that did the doxing and came back as @BooRadley  

that dumb **** flooded my inbox with questions, some personal. That dumb **** will dox you or anyone in a heartbeat.

I would find it hilarious if someone figured out who she was and hid her dentures. Of course I wouldn’t want to know her name. I would laugh my *** off when she made a thread 

which one of you hid my dentures
I never flooded your email box

I did wonder why you couldn't keep straight how your parents died....
Gun violence?
Drunk driver?

Lie much

You're a liberal 

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