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Blackvegetable » Yesterday, 9:58 am » wrote: ... cism-2020/

JD Vance, in 2020 messages, said Trump ‘thoroughly failed to deliver’

In previously undisclosed messages, the future vice-presidential nominee said Trump had not fulfilled his economic agenda and predicted he would lose to Biden.

 Vance has said watching the former president enact his populist agenda for left-behind Americans transformed him from a “Never Trump” conservative in 2016 to a Trump supporter in 2020.

 But Vance privately expressed a very different verdict on Trump as the former president’s first term was nearing its end, previously unreported messages obtained by The Washington Post show....

“Trump has just so thoroughly failed to deliver on his economic populism (excepting a disjointed China policy),” Vance wrote in February 2020.

I struggle to understand how something Yugely Obvious to a JuCo doorstop like @ROG62  can be entirely overlooked by a savvy Venture Peter Thiel's boy, Elroy. 

He also offered a prediction: Joe Biden, he believed, was going to win the 2020 election.

 “I think Trump will probably lose,” he wrote in a message in June 2020, a few months before ballots were cast in an election that Vance would later claim, falsely and repeatedly, was stolen by the Democrats.

So how much dumber that the "Average American", described as "dumber than a box of rocks", would a **** have to be to post this?

Because I would never run from answering my own question...

"Thicker than ****."

Hey TDS "Never had a girlfriend" dickhead...

That link is from WAPO....a fake news and a Russia Russia Russia Hoax cheerleader tabloid.  I take it you think posting this kind of **** tabloid threads give you some kind of credibility.  You gave all your credibility away after years of your Russia Russia Russia **** breaking fake news threads.

You should start a thread about how you have never been able to get yourself a real "live" girlfriend....and trans girls and blow up **** dolls don't count
Updated 3 minutes ago
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