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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 26 Sep 2024, 5:40 pm » wrote: I see nothing wrong with this. He will be a fine VP.

Tim Walz is Minnesota’s 41st Governor. He was first elected Governor in 2018 and won re-election in 2022. Accomplishments from his time as Governor include providing universal free school meals for students, protecting reproductive freedom, strengthening voting rights, laying the groundwork to get Minnesota to 100% clean electricity by 2040, cutting taxes for the middle class, and expanding paid leave for Minnesota workers. Throughout his time as Governor, Tim has prioritized making Minnesota the best state in the country to raise a family.
his Progressive record with abortion, as well as mutilation and castration of little kids who survive his abortion fantasies speaks for itself.

We don't need another child endangerment vp again.....Biden was enough

Keep progressives away from all children and out of schools....they all support the LGBTPEDO movement.  They all follow the "sex before 8 before it's too late" rule.....*** raping little children creates more *** it's how they multiply there numbers
Updated 3 minutes ago
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