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Deezer Shoove
Today 6:13 am
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murdock » Yesterday, 8:48 pm » wrote: Yes it is. Saying that is a sign of contempt for this country.

Yes, it is.
When I see college graduates become confused over simple questions, I have contempt for not only the "grad" but the institutions and the entire mechanisms by which they are supported.

One of KaKa's "attack ads" mentions that Trump wants to abolish the Dept of Education. I'm not even sure that's true. Be that as it may, I think the Dept. of Education should at the very least take a serious look AT ITSELF and its complete failure/lack of focus/actual purpose.
Getting rid of that festering mess ain't a bad thing, but, stupid America will think it is an essential part of life cuz a dem **** used it in an ad...
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
Updated 3 minutes ago
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