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Yesterday 9:59 am
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ConservativeWave » 12 minutes ago » wrote: House Republicans on Wednesday voted to condemn President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for the disastrous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, capping their work in Washington with legislation that carried no legal weight but drove a political point ahead of the November elections.

The resolution passed 219 - 194 with 10 Democrats and all Republicans voting in favor. It condemned Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and other officials in the Biden administration for “decision-making and execution failures throughout the withdrawal from Afghanistan” as well as blamed them for the deaths of 13 U.S. service members who were killed by a suicide bomber at Kabul’s airport during the final days of the evacuation.

The Biden administration has been ONE unmitigated disaster after another... be it the Border, Illegal Immigration, Inflation, Crime, WOKE-izm, Afghanistan or SO MUCH MORE... the people quickly forget... BUT, they

THOSE who FORGET, and re-elect Politicians who CAUSED the DISASTERS of the past... THEY DESTINED to REPEAT those disasters in the FUTURE !!! ... 75728f4d51

Finally....Biden/Harris are recognized for an actual accomplishment

Keep Progressives away from children and public schools....they are the source of pedophilia and child sexualization
Updated 2 minutes ago
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