Today 12:40 pm
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*Vegas » Today, 11:27 am » wrote: This is bad. This is why it's difficult to take claims seriously about the science progressives cite about climate change, Covid, the vaccines, or any other hoax they come up with. It didn't used to be easy to fabricate data. At one time, the peer reviews were so strict and rigorous that it would be rare the papers would make it through the first time of a review. There was always some mistake in the sample size, the math, or the methods used. They sent the work back to the researchers to redo whatever they failed on. This was normal. Now these papers just slide right through. 

In my line of work, I am responsible to write up literature reviews for researchers. However, this is making it very hard  to do our job. We rely on their work to write up their findings. If their work is fraudulent or careless, then our work is useless. ... isis-point
The Guardian is grubbing for $ as usual! :x   :x   :x  
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