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Today 2:21 pm
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758 posts
Kamala keeps telling us about how she will do all of these wonderful things ... which begs Trump's question ... Why hasn't she already done these things??? The truth is kamala has failed at everything she has tried to do.

Immigration and the Southern Border ... I don't think I need to address this at all.
Kamala led the effort to codify Voter Rights ... she had some civil right people put pressure on Congress, and then expanded her efforts to the filibuster rule ... which some in the Legislative took issue with and the entire effort stalled. Kamala doesn't play well with others ... which is kind of important if you are the President.
Abortion ... she took on abortion ... I guess because she failed at everything else ... and she has made a few good points ... her problem is she is trying to make it a National Issue ... but it is a States Right issue. Even if Congress passes an abortion bill and a President signs it ... it will do nothing. The individual States control abortion... which makes kamala's effort seem more of a careless mistake.

She even failed passing the bar examination on her first try... lol 
Updated 2 minutes ago
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