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Scientific Mandate to Resolve Political Issues

 Some progressives are starting to catch on. Dominant media organ The Atlantic piled on against Trump and politely scolded Scientific American for its gesture, correctly surmising that “[t]he magazine’s endorsement of a candidate undermines trust in expertise.”Scientific American, however, adamantly refuses to understand that regular Americans are not going to “trust the science” when its proponents clearly reveal themselves to be promoting a nakedly partisan political agenda.
 In October 2020, as the magazine was busy endorsing Joe Biden – yes, that was the first in its long history  – it published an opinion piece by four credentialed authors who steadfastly declared, “Yes, science is political.”
 The piece argued there is an urgent need for science professionals to steer the general public on political issues of the day. “As scientists, we’re trained to think of the broader impacts of our research; as citizens, we should make those thoughts concrete with our votes,” the writers stated. “We have been trained [to] think critically, analyze large amounts of data and come up with potential solutions to the problems we discover. We can use these same skills to analyze policy, and we must, because doing so promotes an informed citizenry.” ... ndorsement+
Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA
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