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Today 5:02 am
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Yesterday, 10:11 pm » wrote: I work for an NGO. My job is to find employers that need cheap labor and arrange passage of immigrants into the USA.
Some of my finest work was in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Haitians are my specialty. I arrange the flights and the busses and we bring them in the middle of the night.
On a good night we can get 2000 "newcomers". Magically a town with 4,000 grows to 6,000 and there you go. They are here.
This is PERFECTLY legal, and there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP IT. It is government funded.
I am immune from prosecution as well. Boo, YOU are paying for this.

Seems that the LAZY whites don't want to work, so we got that fixed real quick.
You and scum like you should be stood against a wall, you lying traitor bastard!
He's dead Jim!
Updated 3 minutes ago
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