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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 12 Sep 2024, 2:37 pm » wrote: If Harris loses the the Election, are you going to say it was rigged and stolen?
Rigged so Trump won  Image  

You never had any proof the previous election was rigged and stolen. 

What will your excuse be?

Explain how Trump beat Hillary if the election was truly "rigged"

What will I say?
  1. She got beat at the ballot box. Just like Trump got beat. 
  2. If she wins the popular vote and loses the Electoral College, oh well "it is what it is"
  3. The Election was fair and square and I know the US Voting system is safe and secure.
I will not riot, or try to stop the transfer of power.
  1. What will your explanation be?
  2. When will you CULTISTS admit the last election was not rigged and stolen?
  3. Will you riot to throw Biden out before January 20, 2025 so Trump can implement Project 2025 in 2024?
Another HOAX 

You remember Ruby Freeman? Atlanta... Middle of the night shenanigans.. 


Rudolph W. Giuliani Owes Defamed Georgia Election Workers Ruby Freeman and Wandrea’ ArShaye (“Shaye”) Moss Damages After Deliberately Spreading Lies in an Effort to Undermine 2020 Election Results

Jury in Federal Court Awards Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss $148,169,000 in Damages ... i-verdict/


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