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Yesterday 5:53 pm
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 9:18 am » wrote: This is to set the record straight. this is for @BooRadley   THE DUMB DOXING LYING BRAIN DEAD ****

No more questions about my dead dads and mom and the drunk and the kid.
@BooRadley  keep my dead parents out of your mouth.

My first dad and mom made me.
My first dad was killed with a gun.
Killed by a kid. I say kid, as he wasn't tried as an adult.

My mom remarried and that is my second dad. I called him dad, father, pops, etc

Dad #2 and mom were killed by a DRUNK DRIVER. 

In that accident 3 people died. Dad #2, my mom, and the DRUNK DRIVER

That makes 4 dead people. Years later I leaned the kid that killed my dad was murdered.

Now we are talking 5 dead people. Nod Boo, Nod.

I am drawing it out for all to see. Do ya feel me?
your family is still in the zoo trees. getting free food, shelte,r and humans to scoop up your family poop.
Updated 4 minutes ago
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