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Yesterday 1:01 pm
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*Vegas » 25 minutes ago » wrote: That requires them all to be somewhat literate. They all have reading levels at 5th grade and below.

There are some pretty clever IQ tests that are "pictogram" style. 
These tests were designed specifically to assess the IQs of the most primitive Jungle Savages that still roam  Sub Saharan Africa
The Test Subject doesn't need  to be the least bit literate, just  capable of recognizing visual patterns, foresee visual trends and the most probable outcome of the developing trend.
For example   ...
[]     [[]]     [[[]]]     [[[[]]]]      ______  
No matter how easy the White Guilt Cultural Anthropologists try to make these IQ tests for their Pet Negro Jungle Savages...the results always come back with the same ranking of the 3 main  racial groups.
Then of course come the endless string of White Guilt excuses for the persistent failure of their Negro Pets.
It was slavery that did it..... :rofl:  

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