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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Yesterday, 2:56 pm » wrote: Gummy we drilling record amounts 
way more than Trump…
Gummy please 
we ain’t deporting… you know it
So tell me, genius.
If we're drilling way more than Trump, how come the price we pay for gas is almost double what it was under Trump?
Could it possibly be that Biden and Harris added huge new fees and regulations on those drilling and fracking for oil and gas?  Could it also be that by making it far more difficult for them to obtain new leases on both on and offshore drilling and fracking, it forced the oil companies to raise their prices to cover Biden's new expense?

Do you even have enough brains to realize how much of an effect that those higher fees and more regulations caused Biden's inflation rate to skyrocket?  All in order to address the hoax of "climate change" by forcing the country to pay what amounts to a huge new tax every time you buy gas or heating oil!

But all you stupid liberals see is the volume of drilling under these two buffoons, and NOT how much their stupidity is now costing us!  And at the same time, you dumb Democrats now are told that Kamaltoe suddenly has changed her position and actually APPROVES OF FRACKING, after promising for YEARS that she will stop all fracking in this country! 

Any wonder why Democrats like you are such gullible morons to believe her?

So much for their lies that libs like you are SO eager to swallow about how nobody would be paying higher taxes unless they make over $400,000 a year, huh?  Guess they really pulled the wool over your blind eyes with that one, didn't they?  Image   Image  
US finalizes higher fees for oil and gas companies on federal lands
By Nichola Groom April 12, 2024

April 12 (Reuters) - President Biden's administration on Friday finalized a range of reforms designed to boost returns and address environmental harms from drilling on public lands, a move that will increase fees for oil and gas companies that operate there.

 Many of the changes by the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management (BLM) formalize provisions in Biden's landmark climate change law, the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).
Under the new policy, oil and gas companies will pay higher bonding rates to cover the cost of plugging abandoned oil and gas wells as well as increased lease rents, minimum auction bids and royalty rates for the fuels they extract. The rules also limit drilling in sensitive wildlife and cultural areas.
Can you explain to me how raising fees and regulations on oil production as they've done CAN POSSIBLY HELP REDUCE INFLATION?  Or do such bald-face lies by the idiots you fools stuck us with not matter to you?
Joe Biden hits US oil drillers with first royalty rate increase in a century
Financial Times by Myles McCormick and Aime Williams April 12 2024

    The Biden administration has increased the cost of oil and gas drilling on public lands, raising royalty rates for the first time in a century as part of a sweeping crackdown on the industry ahead of November’s election. 

The Bureau of Land Management said on Friday it had finalised a rule to raise the royalties drillers must pay to the government for the first time since 1920 and the bonds needed to cover the cost of clean-ups for the first time since 1960. 

The rule comes as President Joe Biden toughens his stance on fossil fuel producers in a bid to mobilise progressive voters in the run-up to this year’s presidential election. His administration also recently moved to restrict offshore drilling leases and froze permits for new liquefied natural gas infrastructure.
Updated 1 minute ago
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