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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 6:42 am » wrote: Shield your eyes @BooRadley  
February 2024

New data shows why the U.S. needs more immigrants An analysis by nonpartisan congressional economists shows how much the U.S. economy — and Social Security — depend on a growing immigrant workforce.
@Cannonpointer   social security  Image  
got to love this part

Immigrant workers will add an extra $7 trillion to the U.S. economy within the next decade and an extra $1 trillion in federal tax revenue. ... mmigrants/
It's you shielding your eyes to the globalist scam above .....and the various globalist think-tanks that promote this **** the one above .....
This is from 2015.....
From another infamous globalist think tank .....

Why Europe needs economic migrants

Sep 7, 2015 ... -migrants/

Where they made the same stupid and rediculous case as your think tank did ....above.

That was almost 10 years ago .....
Is Germany better off now than it was 10 years ago .......NO IT ISN'T .....
In fact all of the problems that Germany now faces is due to their leadership getting sucked in by the globalist  immigration scam you are promoting above .....


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