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Today 3:17 pm
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706 posts
ConservativeWave » Today, 10:19 am » wrote: NOW... IF THAT doesn't scare the BE-JESUS out of you... after doing the same in Georgia and other states (AND the prosecution of Donald Trump for proposed "Legal violations" that are NOT justified, and also EXPIRED and SHOULD no longer be prosecuted... and INVESTIGATIONS (i,e. the Russian Dossier & Mueller Investigation)... YOU CAN NOT TELL ME, that the DOJ and U.S. Government "Establishment Deep State" is now NOT CORRUPT, DISHONEST, UNJUST, and LEADING America to TOTALITARIANISM !!

There can NO LONGER be ANY DOUBT... THE TIME is NOW !!  To Vote for TRUMP.... OR, VOTE for the END of Democracy and the TOTALITARIAN CONTROL our Government !! ... ter-lists/
Trump MAGA 2024!!!
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