NO ****. You want to tell me about legal definitions of social behavior, let me explain natural time living in a body alive as eternally separated in plain sight you won't admit happens daily the 7 different names this rotation gets 52 weeks a year.
International dateline is dividing yesterday, today, and tomorrow intellectually making every ancestor believe life is larger than adapting as displaced geographically located any rotation since conceived.
Society teaches self deception regardless the society here historically or current events within this species as a whole population in this atmosphere now.
I work actual accountability beyond what people are willing to believe true to relative time semantics currently governing tomorrow midnight to noon, calling noon to midnight end of the day.
Where did yesterday go? checked off date on a calendar journaling human behavior all 5 generation gaps alive this rotation? One in the chamber 0-9 months before date of birth each great great grandchild adds another 5th generation gap of ever changing relatives living forward now.