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31 Jan 2025 5:05 am
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righteous » 30 Jan 2025, 12:04 pm » wrote: Not proven yet but probably a cause of the recent disaster ... itization/
It won't be one thing went wrong from one side of the spectrum. Well the one thing is everything leading into the result of abslut power of suggestion absolutley has this species corrupted cradle to grave.

Every reality believes life exceeds adapting as displace now and each reality has a separate interpretation of why now cannot be eternity even though how evolving works is self evident to each brain living proportionately here as part of the whole process of everything is limited to adapting one at a time.

Artificial intelligence is governed by vernacular tribalism daily all 5 ancestral lineages with all 5 generation gaps perfroming the rituals of debating what else is possible tomorrow 7 days a week and the end of each of those 7 days is the same position every rotation 24/7. Surface of the planet rotating by the mid night event horizons between the event horizons of dusk to dawn noon is the opposite side of same rotation at the same time regardless calendar year having 265, 365, 365, 366 daus in the 52 weeks a revolutionbetween ideologies keeping the fatih now isn't eternity 1,064 separate ways nd means of every ancestor believing life is more than relative time adapting here because of supernatural entities of pure intellectual mind over matter speculation of anythingelse is possible.

Preying on those praying tomorrow can be more than time left today noon to midnight promises a new day dawn to dusk midnight to noon. Psychological class warfare within relative time theory facts establising rule of law standardizing human behavior cradle to grave for current daily populaiton in this atmosphere. is just another source of reasonable doubt now is eternity.
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