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Today 1:20 pm
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The Answer?    ALTERNATIVE Media !!

20 years ago, the FAKE News Media could LIE with IMPUNITY... and NEVER be held to account !

TODAY however, IF America realized that one Media Source, or ANOTHER, is LYING to them... they have DOZENS of OTHER places they can go... and slowly, CONSUME the data... until THEY, DECIDE for THEMSELVES, what it true and what is NOT !!

After the LIES of the last election... CNN and MSNBC are as good as DEAD !!  THEY LIED to the American people, and the American people DROPPED THEM, like a smelly piece of ****!  ...and they moved on to Fox News, One America, or a HUNDRED ALTERNATIVE Media locations...

Whats more.. I don't think CNN or MSNBC will EVER recover... Americans are: "Once Burned, Twice shy"... and WHY shouldn't they be !!

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